Wow, what a weekend. The weather was beautiful for October. Now, as much as I enjoy cool fall weather, I love warm fall weather! The kids were outside all day Sunday. We picked pumpkins and cut down corn stalks. Our pumpkin patch turned out GREAT this year! We had plenty of large pumpkins and tons of little pumpkins and gourds.

Owen went to the Mississippi River Museum for a drama thing with Jenni. He got to play a frog! I was so excited, he kept the face paint on all day. After that he and I went on a nature walk to the pond. Really, there is nothing more fun than a hike with a kid so obsessed with the outdoors. He is just so happy the entire time, and showing me all sorts of cool stuff.

Sophia went to Wal-mart with Summer...meaning she got a new baby! I had to put this picture of her with the pumpkins on. I think she looks adorable. She had a lot of fun picking the little one and loading them into the wagon. She is so sassy and so much fun at this age.
Friday and Saturday "The Stauffachers" were at "The Compound"! We played game and drank a little bit...or a "lont". Listening to Jed put the letter N in every word he says is about the funniest thing ever!! Maybe you had to be here.