
HapPY ThaNKsgiVIng...

Focus on what you already have.  Friends, family, food, shelter, health, life...the basics.  These are what I am thankful for.  The other things like money, clothes, cars, cameras, etc...they are just extra.  

Those things are the butter on top of your mashed potatoes & whipped cream on top of your pumpkin pie.  

A second bottle of wine on top of the one you already polished off!

These things aren't really necessary, but they enhance the basics.  

Or drown out the unbearable.

Enough butter makes even mashed cauliflower taste like potatoes.

Enough wine makes even the craziest lunatic, that shares your last name, someone you want to see once a year.  

Seriously, I am going to let this be the start of my new year.  For the next 365 days I want to be as grateful as I am today.  I wish that for everyone.  

"Let us rise up and be thankful for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, 
and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick 
and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; 
so let us all be thankful."  ~Buddha

Happy Thanksgiving & Happy New Year.
