Earlier this year I made a choice to stop taking new photography clients. I thought I'd be perfectly happy to keep my established clients, and direct new prospects to other photogs in the area. It was a good plan, but as summer marched on I was fully grasping how much time it took to be (what I consider) an effective school board member, I knew the busy photo season was going to get really crazy if I didn't give it up completely.
So I'm finally saying it out loud here for the first time: Julie Stephenson Photography as we know it will be coming to an end. I'm excited to focus my time and energy a bit. Choices like these are never easy, but once it is all said and done I know I will be a happier and more fulfilled person. Professionally, I am choosing to focus on my strengths, my passions and my community by being an effective and thoughtful leader. Personally, I am choosing to focus on my kids, my husband and myself.
This weekend gave me a perfect little glimpse of what I stand to gain by giving JSP up...
The opportunity to spend the beautiful Golden Hour in The Compound.
The ability to be able to support the Pointers outside of the board room.
I had a blast watching Sophia move far outside of her introverted comfort zone by dancing in front of a stadium of people.
Plus I had the added bonus of getting Call Me Maybe permanently seared into my brain!
Owen is learning so much about football & being part of a team in his new flag football league. I LOVE being able to watch his every expression as he completes a pass or makes a smooth snap! Just another perk of keeping him out of a helmet for another few years.