Lately, I have been much too busy writing philosophy essays, arguments about ethnic stratification and persuasive speeches about how high speed rail will help revitalize rural America to spend much time writing on my own personal blog. I have tried to keep Freckle Friday going with updates and pictures from life in the Compound, but haven't written anything with much depth. Again, I will be honest, I have missed the therapeutic benefits of putting thoughts, theories and emotions on paper. (so to speak)
The saving grace for me is reading other people's amazing blogs. I don't have a lot of time to write about my own feelings, but taking 5 minutes to read about someone else's struggles or joys can be very cathartic. There are so many blogs of all kinds out there, that no matter my mood or level of attention span, I can find one that suits me at the moment. Some make me laugh out loud, cry like a baby, and some do both!
Please take a few minutes to laugh, cry or just look at things from someone else's point of view. I'd bet you will feel differently about your own crazy life after you've read about someone else's. Here are 5 of my favorite blogs recently:
- This is an awesome blog by a guy who lives in good old MP. We have mutual friends, but I have never met him personally, and I can't wait until I do. Seriously, it's an amazing blog. It totally reminds me that no matter what I am going through, I am not alone. We all have our demons.
- Oh my god, almost every time I read this dude's blog I laugh out loud! He is a great writer, and I love his use of well thought out phrases for example: shit-eating cockbag. That example was taken from a great piece about taking his daughter to a hockey game...really, this blog is hilarious.
- I found this blog while googling Jim Halpert...ok so I'm a love with a fictional TV character...get over it! She is a young artist who is trying hard to break into showbiz, and like all of us, is not quite sure how that is going to happen. She posts homemade videos of songs she's written. I love her musical style, she reminds me of Allie Moss.
- The name of the blog says it all. Just cool pictures to remind us that...Cancer Sucks!
- Do you check the books you return to the library or that you donate to Goodwill? I hope not because for whatever reason, I love this blog! I look at this blog like Owen looks at Sponge Bob!
Have a great weekend.