

I've decided to document my days as a non-traditional student at my new blog  UWP & ME.  It will just be some thoughts and highlights from a day in the life of an old lady's return to college life.

I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be change to protect the innocent myself).  I will probably poke fun at the university staff, mainly targeting 2 Prospective Student Services employees.  God knows, I will do plenty of profoundly stupid things that will require some blog attention, but from time to time I will get all deep and blow your mind with my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of a Philosophy degree.

You can find UWP & ME at Compound Confessions by clicking on the link toward the top of the page.   Add it to your favorites, and check it out Tuesday and Thursday nights after my long day of classes.

Thanks for reading!