I'm linking up with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop again this week. Check her out!
6:30am-I came downstairs to a messy, I mean really effing messy, kitchen. Tuesday night was one of those, "The homework is done, the kids are fed & clean, I have nothing urgent to do in the morning-so screw it, I'm not going to do the dishes tonight, kind of nights. That is usually fine until I enter the kitchen at 6:30am and scream, SHIT! I have to clean up from dinner last night! Whose brilliant plan was this again? Never mind...don't answer that.
Yes, I'm not afraid to admit, my kitchen looks like this from time to time. Probably more often than it should. |
7am-Fed the kids and slopped the hog. Apples & cereal for Sophia, celery for Patches.
7:25am-Kids go to the bus stop.
7:30-12:35pm I turned on Wisconsin Public Radio and started in on the giant junkyard
of dishes. The Joy Cardin show was great today. Susan Cain, the author of the book Quiet was on. It was so interesting. I even asked a question on Facebook and Ms. Cain answered it on the air. According to her, she thinks I'm completely normal...which must mean, she's a total quack!
Photos were importing while I got my dish pan hands. Once the dishes were washed and the counter cleared, I sat down to return emails & sync up my Julie Stephenson Photography & Community Leadership Alliance calendars. I edited and uploaded photos & tried to finish an album I've been struggling with. I worked on a flyer for our parent's group label & lid drive & new school postcards. I cleared off my desk. I emailed a few more people & paid a bill. I swept a pile of "spring" from our entry way. Man, I love warmer weather, but I hate the trail of moist dirt that is tracked into the house, this time of year.
12:35-3:05pm I decided I probably better shower & change out of my pj's, to meet with my friend & future cookbook co-author, Sarah. Her children, welcomed me to their home with a sweet ninja move and a huge pouty lip. Which is a greeting, I will most likely imitate, the next time people come to my house.
After my meeting, I came home and started getting ready for the evening. I made 3 Bean Salad, my favorite side dish (snack/breakfast/food-in general). I received the recipe from my Grandma Hazel -we both love it!
As the kids come down the drive, I braced myself for the sudden wave of words that will come rolling, non-stop, out of Owen's mouth for the next 30 minutes. This guy is one big ball of chatter from the second he gets off the bus. Sophia, on the other hand, usually disappears to her room for a while until she's ready to eat a snack or is asked to get her homework out.
Owen is working hard at getting his homework out right away. Since the days are getting longer, he really justs wants to be outside playing. This afternoon, he had to tell me the sequence of how Wisconsin became a state, and I needed to quiz him on vocabulary words. He loves school and learning, so he was happy to tell me all about BlackHawk and the Sauk Indian tribe & how unfairly they were treated.
Sophia came downstairs mid homework to read a book. When homework was done, they both went outside until Trevor got home from work.
As I finished dinner (Shrimp & Broccoli Alfredo-which I forgot to photograph) the kids drew a picture of a jungle, to use with some stickers they received from my Dad. These photos are not typical of the kids. Usually this time of night, Owen is begging to play Madden '12 and Sophia has the guinea pig in a diaper & is trying to nurse it.
Dinner and clean up went quickly tonight, and as Trevor left for his weekly bowling league, I started to read from Charlotte's Web again. We started at 7:05 and by 7:20 Sophia was snoring on my lap. I had Owen take our photo before I took her up to bed. After tucking Owen in, I'm typed this post with a large spot of drool on my sweatshirt and a feeling of peace.
This peaceful feeling could even last into the morning because...my dishes done & my counters are clean.
Good Night!