There were no scheduled board or committee meetings this week. So, lucky for me, I didn't formally have much school board work to do. This was what my 'easy' school board week looked like:
- Spent time reviewing convention notes, looking at handouts, & considering how I can present the information to other board members.
- Observed & participated in the MS/HS lunch process.
- Visited other districts websites as research for a policy I'm responsible for finishing by Wednesday.
- Chatted about take aways from the convention with another board member.
- Read & responded to emails.
- Followed two education-related Twitter chats.
- Listened to (and hopefully reassured) a frustrated community member.
- Wrote 3 school board related thank you notes.
I'm not writing about this for a pat on the back or to challenge other board members. I blog because it's how I deal with challenges that emerge in my life. I like to lay it all out on the table, examine the information, and get a feeling in my gut. Once I know the how or why - I try to release the negative, embrace the positive, and Let Go! I truly believe there's a good reason why I'm on this school board during this time & space, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. Blogging thoughts is part of my process as I try to wrap my head around why I became a school board member and how my time on the board is going to be spent. Safe bet this will not be my last school board related post...
Speaking of wrapping heads around things: It's FRECKLE FRIDAY & my goofy kids used the iPad to make about 200 crazy head wrapping photos. We all pretty much laugh the whole time they create these creepy gems! I think it's obvious why...