As proof the internet makes small, non-problem problems seem completely unbearable - two of my favorite photo life bloggers, Kelle Hampton & Rachel Devine, constantly share the most amazing photos of their adorably tanned children, playing on beaches and picking oranges straight from the tree, while swinging from a hammock in the middle of flipping January. It's more than I can handle. I want summer, I want it now, and I want it for 51 weeks a year. Christmas Eve to New Years Eve is all yours, Mother Nature.
Then I go outside. I turn my pale face toward the sun and breathe in the cold air and remember there is a reason for this season. The long-drawn-out winter is a necessary part of the journey. The payoff comes in the spring when you make it through. And I realize that if I focus only on the itchy, smelly, unpredictable parts of the journey - I'll miss these...
Ice skating on the patio
Snowshoeing with Busta
Warming up inside
Happy Monday from the summit.